Asbestos may be present in your home in places such as duct insulation wrap, vermiculite attic insulation, some drywall compounds, floor and ceiling tiles, and often on water lines. Homes built in early 1990’s are more likely to contain asbestos materials.
Our team is equipped and qualified for all types of asbestos removal in the Ottawa area. Your home or business will benefit from the following services and equipment:
Negative air machines and high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) scrubbers
Asbestos testing at an accredited laboratory
Type 1, type 2, and type 3 asbestos abatement operations
Materials containing asbestos become dangerous when they are disturbed. Asbestos materials have a crystalline structure that breaks down over time, so microscopic fibers can become airborne and be inhaled. Prolonged exposure to these asbestos fibers can cause a variety of serious illnesses, including lung cancer.
There are different levels when it comes to dealing with asbestos removal in the Ottawa region, depending on the severity of your asbestos problem.
Type 1:
Installing or removing asbestos-containing ceiling tiles that cover less than 7.5 square meters without being cut, drilled, broken, abraded, ground, vibrated or sanded
Installing or removing sturdy materials other than ceiling tiles without being cut, drilled, broken, abraded, ground, vibrated or sanded
Cutting, drilling, abrading, grinding, sanding, or vibrating materials that contain asbestos as long as non-powered hand-held tools are used and the materials are wetted to control and minimize the spread of dust or fibers
Type 2:
Removing part or all of a false ceiling to access an area if asbestos is expected on the ceiling surfaces
Removing or disturbing of a square meter or less of brittle asbestos-containing material when repairing, altering, doing maintenance, or destruction of machinery, equipment, building, or means of transportation (aircraft, locomotive, etc.)
Containing of brittle asbestos-containing material
Sealing, taping, or other types of containment on a pipe or boiler insulation materials that contain asbestos
Installing or removing asbestos-containing ceiling tiles that cover more than 7.5 square meter without being cut, drilled, broken, abraded, ground, vibrated or sanded
Installing or removing sturdy materials other than ceiling tiles without being cut, drilled, broken, abraded, ground, vibrated or sanded
Removing drywall that’s one square meter or more with joint filling compounds where asbestos-containing material’s been used
Cutting, drilling, abrading, grinding, sanding, or vibrating materials that contain asbestos with power tools only if the tools are attached to HEPA filter-equipped dust-collecting devices
Using a glove bag to remove asbestos-containing insulation from a pipe, duct, or similar structure
Removing or cleaning air handling equipment filters in a building with asbestos-containing fireproofing materials
Type 3:
Removing or disturbing of more than a square meter of brittle asbestos-containing material when repairing, altering, doing maintenance, or destruction of machinery, equipment, building, or means of transportation (aircraft, locomotive, etc.)
Spraying sealant over brittle or fragile asbestos-containing material
Removing or cleaning air handling equipment (excluding filters) in a building with asbestos-containing fireproofing materials
Repairing, altering, or destroying parts or all of a kiln, metallurgical furnace, or similar assembly made of noncompliant asbestos-containing materials
Cutting, drilling, abrading, grinding, sanding, or vibrating materials that contain asbestos with power tools that are not attached to HEPA filter-equipped dust-collecting devices
Repairing, altering, or destroying part or all of a building in which asbestos was used to build products, unless asbestos removal and cleaning was done before March 16, 1986
Asbestos is a regulated hazardous waste and should always be removed by trained and certified professionals. Let us remove this threat from your home in a safe and professional manner. If you have any questions about what type of asbestos removal your Ottawa home or building requires, feel free to contact us for more information.
613-325-5341 Mold Removal Near Ottawa
What we do: Asbestos Removal
Smiths Falls
TITLE: Mastering Mold Removal in Ottawa: Your Ultimate Guide for a Clean and Healthy Home Mold Removal Ottawa proudly serving our Beautiful Capital City of Canada.
If you live in Ottawa or surrounding areas and you have found or suspect mold in your home it is crucial to have a professional mould expert inspect your home immediately. Mold Removal Ottawa will provide you with a free mold inspection for visible mould. Contact us by phone or online to set up a free visible mold inspection with one of our certified mold inspectors today.